Oliver Bateman Does the Work
Oliver Bateman Does the Work
The Work of Job

The Work of Job

"Have I not received everything back, only doubled?"

I’ve decided to release this lecture on the Book of Job, which is tied directly to the lecture on Kierkegaard’s Repetition that I shared yesterday.

“Is repetition not possible? Have I not received everything back, only doubled? Have I not myself again, and in such a way that I have a double appreciation of what this means? And what is a repetition of worldly goods, which have no meaning in relation to spiritual matters, compared to such a repetition? Only Job’s children were not returned to him twofold, because a human life does not allow itself to be doubled in this way. Here only a spiritual repetition is possible, even though it cannot be so complete temporally as in eternity where there is true repetition.” Søren Kierkegaard, Repetition: An Essay in Experimental Psychology (click here to download)

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Suggested reading

Book of Job (KJV), https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job%201&version=KJV 

Suggested viewing 

A Serious Man (2009)

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Oliver Bateman Does the Work
Oliver Bateman Does the Work
The continuation (from "What's Left?") of Oliver's interviews with people about the interesting work they do + solo episodes covering assorted academic topics.