Aug 9Liked by Oliver Bateman Does the Work

I feel attacked by this relatable content, dear sir! I was 16 or 17 when I first met the internet, thanks to being at NCSSM. I am actually more likely to say something somebody doesn't like to their faces. In any case, I don't say anything that I wouldn't say to their faces, if that makes sense. This week in as the internet turns, I learned that certain progressives don't want to hear or understand why any candidate who is a veteran... shouldn't that vet get out in front of any and everything that could trip them up from their military career? It's soooo hard not to be like "you idiots, you just created another swift boat situation" but... can't be out here calling the people idiots, right?

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Are you talking about the stuff related to Walz's rank and potential Iraq deployment? What did they do wrong there? I've been following it from a distance...it looks like he was "serving" as "command sergeant major," but never actually finished the coursework for it, but later claimed he held the rank?

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Bateman Does the Work

Yes, there are potential issues mixed in with that. Being "frocked" to CSM is serving in the role without wearing the rank. I don't know if he's claiming it or the media is claiming it (I saw both) but civilians who can figure out how part (but not all) of it works could tank this by saying he lied even though he did the job. The bigger issue could be if he knew his unit came down on orders before he put in his retirement packet? If he didn't know or those orders were generated after he submitted his retirement, no harm done. But if there's a chance that they can find some troops to say he abandoned them and his unit (and trust me, they will find someone to say it) then I worry that his retirement will be a sticking point. Whatever the fanboys are sourcing to create the "infographics" going around social media, they need to stop and think first. However, they want to jump on whoever disagrees with them, even if the graphic isn't completely correct. Meanwhile, I'm looking at the same graphic like any vet would have been better than Vance and Walz. If I can pick a lazy graphic apart in three seconds, so can the pundits, right? Maybe a hard launch via the internet/social media wasn't quite the right answer for Walz. For once, I'm not trolling--I'm simply telling people where it could go pear shaped, and the thanks I get is astounding.

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See, this is the deep dive a real publication needs to put out there: a veteran on best practices for vetting the veterans, so as to avoid an entire election cycle of Swift Boat truther coverage.

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Bateman Does the Work

Sadly, we're about to have Swift Boat truther coverage on Vance and Walz. People have a lot to say about Vance being a combat correspondent in a public affairs unit in a combat air wing--tell us you wrote for the stars and stripes but saw nothing without telling us, maybe? However, people will kind of respect that he was an active duty Marine and went to Iraq, sort of. Some active duty veterans have little to no respect for the National Guard and the Selected Reserves as is, and this won't help the situation? We already make jokes about Kuwait isn't a deployment, yet this guy found himself in Italy and Norway? Unfortunately, this is a true case of the jokes writing themselves. I'm still waiting on Bernard Sanders running down the ramp with a steel chair, myself.

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In early 00s I used mIRC and usenet to snag warez and thought torrents were mainstream when they came out. It felt very underground having the latest moviez, gamez and mp3z on CDR.

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